Sunday, December 03, 2006

Week 1 of 20

So my first week of Ironman training is in the books, and it unfotunately didn't make the book any heavier. I ended up with 2 rides, 2 runs and 1 weight session for a grand total of 5 hours and 15 minutes. I am about as tough as a wet paper towel right now. We had a cold front come through this week and it curtailed my morning workouts and there's not a whole lot of daylight by the time I get home. But, as a teacher, I hate excuses. I took the easy road this week and looking back I am not real proud of it. I do however know that IM is accomplished over the long haul with consistency. Hopefully things will turn around this week and I can improve on what I didn't do this week as there is definetly room for improvement. Reading a post on Danny's blog helped me out as he talks about what it takes to get to your goals, thanks bro. I know what I need to do, going out and doing it is the hard part. I need to make training more of a priority but do it in a way that I am still here for Lindsey and Emma. I am off now to set an alarm for 5:15 AM..........BRRRR.

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