So Yesterday, Emma came to me and said...."Want to know the bad news?"...."It is raining in Albuquerque. " Of course I asked where she heard that at and she said the TV:))
But Today....We have good news! This comes in light of starting the summer off with having to Pay taxes this year, having to replace our rear window of our Yukon, and just the other day, my main Diamond came out of my wedding ring and is now lost. So the good news is I got one of my school loans completely forgiven!! But most of you thought it was something else:) But this was a nice surprise. I put in for it last year and did not get it. This year however, Steven worked hard for me and took care of it himself. He did all the paper work to get the loan forgiven...a nice payment we now do not have to worry about...Thanks Steven.
Steven, come work your magic on this side of the map. My wife has school loans to.
Yeah Steven Good Job!! Sorry to hear about your diamond that is not good. What happend to the Yukon?
Dawn-We were all happy at our last day of track practice and here come a baseball flying through the back windshield:(
That is good news Lindsy! Nics job, Steven! How about the rest?
Just kidding!
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