Tuesday, May 11, 2010

As time goes by...

Time is really flying by! School is almost out for summer and I am really looking forward to spending my time with my family. I was fortunate enough to get to stay at home with Grace for the first five months of her life, and now the past five months are really passing quick. Grace adjusted wonderfully to daycare, which is a blessing. She has two very loving ladies who spend everyday playing with her. I know they love her and she loves them too. It has been the next best thing to having family watch her. She is an adventurous little girl. She crawls all around with a funny crawl that looks like she is limping, pulls herself up on everything, and is really trying to talk! Grace will always let you know what she wants or doesn't want with a simple grunt, but lately, a scream. She thinks that Emma is the most amazing thing ever and wants to do everything with her; hopefully that doesn't change as they get older! She has two teeth and is sleeping horribly...ha. I am not quite sure what is going on there, I guess payback for Emma always sleeping so well. However, she is such a happy, healthy, beautiful baby...I couldn't ask for anything more. I love you Gracie.
Now, Emma....wow, talk about growing up too fast! When we moved to Socorro she was only two and now she is five going on 13! She is finishing up Pre Kinder and has learned a lot from that...maybe more than I would want her to! But Emma is the cutest girl I have met. Of course I would say that and she has great role models (cousins), but she has so many wonderful characteristics that really make her shine. She is athletic, kind, funny, caring, smart and reminds me a lot of Steven, which is the best thing about her. She is very organized, which comes from Steven, yet she leaves shoes all over the house just like me! Sorry babe. Emma is also great with Grace. I look forward to when they can really interact and play with each other. But for now Emma enjoys singing with her, playing with all of her toys, and attempting to hold her while standing up. They are really lucky to have each other, and I am very thankful for the two of them. This summer Emma will be on the swim team. This will be her first "real" team sport that has participated in. She played soccer last summer, but that did not really count since they did not have a team name, nor did they play other teams. I can't wait to see her in her team suit, cap, and goggles!
Oh, you girls are just growing up so fast. I love you both more than you know...Emma, I love you to the end of the ocean and back.

This first picture of Grace, for some reason, she thinks is hilarious. I have it framed and hanging in our front room. Any time I show it to her she cracks up. Maybe it is the drool?


Steven Montoya said...

Great post Linds. I love you and our family more than anything and I'm thankful everyday for all 3 of my girls.

Dawn Hudson said...

Aww you made me cry!! That was very sweet and you are so lucky to have those two special girls.

I can't wait to see Emma swimming and to hear and read all about it. She is going to be awesome a true SUPER STAR!!

Gracie Belle slow down, you will be like your sissy before you know it!! She is just to cute for her own good!!

Miss you