Sunday, December 16, 2007

Emma is growing and learning pretty fast these days. Lindsey does such a great job keeping her busy and Emma loves every bit of it. These are a couple of pictures of her working on some projects they had came up with. Over the weekend we spent the day at Tech and Emma rode her bike all over the empty campus sidewalks. We picked some misletoe from the cottonwoods and even visited Santa at the student unioun building and made some reindeer antlers later that afternoon. That evening we attended a performance at Macey Center called a Verry Merry-Achi Christmas. For being such a small town, Socorro does a good job as far as the arts go.

Please let me know if you're still checking the website by leaving a comment. I know I sort of stopped adding for a while there but I am trying to keep things updated. Thanks for visiting.


1 comment:

Dawn Hudson said...


You have interent and you have added some blogs!!! Can't wait to read more adventures from the Montoya's!!