Saturday, June 13, 2009

This was Emma's very first performance of any kind. We walked into a big room full of mom's and daughters all busy curling hair and applying hair spray, bright lipstick, and dark makeup. I turned to Emma and asked if she wanted to wear some of mommies lip gloss! I am not the typical "Dance Mom". I felt like I was at a beauty contest. Needless to say, all the girls did look so cute and I was excited for Emma to perform in "Calendar Girl" and "Butterfly Kisses". At the same time, I was very nervous for her because she is very shy and was performing on a big stage with lights and a huge audience. I had a former student video tape Emma so that I could be back and forth in the audience and backstage helping her get ready. (Steven was out of town) Her first performance was up and she lined up in the hallway with the rest of her classmates. I told her good luck, gave her a kiss and said I would see her when she finished...then I walked away....looking back she was waving and very excited, not exactly what I was expecting. To make a long story short, she did really well on both dances and had a lot of fun. When it was over she had a stuffed animal with lipgloss and candy waiting for her from me and flowers from her Nana and she was really proud of herself. The video is about 12 minutes long and includes both of her performances and the finale. Hope you enjoy! I know I did.


mike montoya said...

Cutie Pie!

Tony said...
