Monday, August 23, 2010

The Day has finally arrived....

Since Emma was three she has been going to school. She began at Don's School which is a cooperative nursery school. She loved it very much, but always complained that they did not give her any homework! Then, last year she attended pre-kinder at the elementary school and once again was upset because she never had homework. Well, now she is in Kindergarten and had her first homework assignment! She was so excited and could not wait to get it done. She organized her area and sharpened her pencil and was ready to go. She in
sisted that after I read the directions to her that she would do it by herself unless she absolutely needed help; then she would let me know! Even Grace was excited for her.


Dawn Hudson said...

She looks so smart! ;)

diesingclan said...

As usual ahead of the curve....cute photo lindsey!