Sunday, February 28, 2010

And 2010 Marches on...

The third month of the year will be here tomorrow.  Seems not that long ago we were in Disneyland celebrating the New Year.  Time does fly that is for sure.

Not too much has happened this past week besides SHS having it's first track meet and me having a cold all week.  I was really hoping to have February go out with a bang as far as training goes but it went out more like a fizzle.  On Monday I had a really good effort on my run with the kids and then that evening Lindsey and I worked out together with her on the treadmill and me on the bike trainer.  I have owned a trainer DVD for quite some time now but had never used it  so I did the hour workout which was tough.  As be both worked out, it got pretty hot so we opened the sliding glass door in the room and the cold air came in and I think gave me an immediate head cold.  So for the rest of the week I took it pretty easy because I never really felt very good.  I still managed to just barely beat my January totals, almost doubling my running miles, keeping my swimming just about the same and not biking quite as much.  I wish I had biked more but the weather just hasn't cooperated and the indoor trainer in the evenings gets hard to look forward to.

In March I am obviously looking forward to Spring Break and hopefully a break in these storms and some nice warm and windless weather.  Below is a peak at my training log I use to keep track of my training.  It's not much to brag about (Little Danois can do 20+ hours in one week) but Im pleased for right now.

I still haven't registered for any races in 2010 besides the Ironman lottery for Hawaii.  I don't think I will do any triathlons till after Track season which ends in early May.  I may do the Tour of Socorro in April because we have a Friday meet that weekend.  It is a two-day event that I have never done for whatever reason.  If anything it will get me on my bike outside :)

Thanks for checking in.


1 comment:

diesingclan said...

Emma, we like your new ride! look your mommy!